Info: Welcome To Erosland, Erotic-Themed Park with engaging and enjoyable attractions.
The girls will be able to work in every attraction of the park,
Famous known characters from different universes.
Forge a relationship with each girl..and lots of more events.
NEW – Iono’s level 40 quest.
# Continue Iono’s Main Quest when she reaches level 40.
NEW – Iono’s level 50 quest.
# Awaken Iono with her last Main Quest at level 50.
NEW – Iono’s bathroom.
# When Iono is awakened, she will be able to use her bathroom to clean up her body!
NEW – Iono’s ‘Extra Quest’ after awakening.
# After awakening, interact with Iono to start a new small quest and unlock a new event.
NEW – 1 new event and scene for Iono with Eros.
NEW – 2 new ‘Animon’ events for Iono.
NEW – 1 new updated ‘Animon’ event for Iono.
NEW – 2 new outfit variations for Iono’s barn job outfit.
NEW – New job scenes and mini-events for Iono at level 40+ at the barn.
NEW – New job scenes and mini-events for Iono at level 50+ at the barn.
NEW – Iono’s frame can now get dirty after awaken when doing certain events and jobs.
# Added bodywriting system for Iono.
# Added condom system for Iono.
# Added cum system for Iono.
One new background