Info: This game is not about saving the world or slaying dragons. It’s about everyday life of somewhat naive girl in the world of fantasy and magic.
World Map is out. Explore the Shifting Lands Map after finishing the intro quest line.
Inventory is currently disabled die to my concerns about its complexity. You’ll receive enough healing potions and bombs at the start of your adventure to handle combat events. In the next release, I’m planning to simplify the inventory.
Quality of Life Improvements:
Added an option to skip the intro scene when starting a new game.
You can now skip through text during visual events for smoother gameplay with space key or mouse click.
Made several adjustments to the interface.
Adult Content Additions:
Added two new events on the world map – one reintroducing an old character and another introducing a completely new one.
Added four new animations, including two for existing Trog events and two for the new events.