You’ll assume the role of a divorced father who hasn’t seen his daughter in years. Now that she’s 18 years old, she contacts you and tells you that she would like to have a “father-daughter” date with you. You’ll have the chance to get to know your daughter better, build a special relationship and why not, maybe convince her to have more “father-daughter” dates with you in the future.
Info about game from Patreon: A lot of things have happened this month, and I’m afraid I have some bad news for the game. I’ll try to be as brief as possible.
Inc-Related Words Removed
This week, Patreon contacted me again and asked that I remove all incest-related words from the game before the end of the month.
That means basically removing all references of F and D being relatives in the script. They also asked for me to not link my game to websites that include incest content.
Since Chapter 1 is huge and it would take me weeks to make all of those changes, I’ve decided that I will remove the chapter completely from the Patreon posts at the end of the month. All of you have downloaded the game already, so this isn’t really a problem for existing members.
I will work on a patch next month so that new members can download it but until that, it’s best to take it out of here.
The bad news is that from now on, words like d*ughter, f*ther, D*d, etc have been removed completely from Chapter 2.
No visual scenes have been changed or deleted. The story won’t change either. Just the family-related words have been removed.
I hope that with these changes, I’ll be able to stay out of Patreon’s radar for a while. Since there won’t be any mention of incest or family members in the game, I think they will agree to leave my page alone for the time being. I’ve already sent them the details of these changes but they haven’t replied me back yet. Let’s hope they do it next week.
• Having anal sex for the first time now results in a different scene than if you were already on the anal path (Day 35)
• The final renders of the F/D/Georgina threesome now properly reflect whether F climaxed in D, Georgina, or both of them (Day 38)
• Added a sex scene featuring the MC, Elena, and Jennifer (Day 40)
• The sex scene with Georgina now appears without needing to be on the Cassandra path (Day 41)
• The in-game walkthrough now indicates the points from the pill choice (Day 41)
• Added some more animations to the F/D/Jennifer threesome (Day 42)
• Added renders of Cassandra on the phone when you are at the afterparty (Day 42)
• The narration at the end of the chapter was changed from a second-person point of view back to first-person
• The results of Cupid Night from Chapter 1 will be automatically transferred to Chapter 4
Things we’ve fixed in this update:
• Fixed a lot of grammar and some plot holes (remember, the game is written in British English, except for some minor exceptions) ;)
• Added sound FX and music for all of Chapter 3 (once the game is completed, we’ll look to add more sound FX in wherever we can)
• Music is now properly controlled by the “Music Volume” instead of “Sound Volume” in the game settings
i.e. Any scene where music tracks are playing (mainly club or dance scenes). The “Sound Volume” controls the audio for the sound effects
• Background sounds and foreground sounds can now play at the same time, instead of interrupting each other
• If you accidentally click “New Game”, you can now return to the menu without having to answer all of the questions first
• Added a “Deleted Scenes” section to the menu for Chapter 3 (you’ll see this on the Home Screen)
My main writer HearszAM had already written two extra scenes for Day 40 which I didn’t have time to create renders or animations for.
However, I have added those scripts into this section so you can read how these scenes played out.
He has also written scenes for Olivia and a scene for Margo (also for Day 40 originally), but at some point, I’ll look to use them in Chapter 4 instead.
• Added “Pat’s Gallery” (you’ll see this on the Home Screen)